Featured Project

VOLCANO The VOLCANO is a temporary pavilion, bringing together people under the attention of urban development. The pavilion follows in concept and shape the characteristics of a volcano. The pavilion erupts at different locations in the city and uncovers hidden topics and events. VOLCANO is the symbol standing for renewal and ... > show


Hello, we are BPNXT. Our projects orbit around special, spatial, interactive and transdisciplinary media design applications.


Skyline Vienna
Macstre via Flickr

BPNXT / Vienna
Schiffamtsgasse 11
1020 Vienna, Austria
+43 699 13106000


Skyline Berlin
ArtDvU via Flickr

BPNXT / Berlin
Rudi-Dutschke-Straße 26
10969 Berlin
+49 176 30397081

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Meet Beauty Parlour

Beauty Parlour

Classic and New Media

Our colleagues at Beauty Parlour are specialized in the design and development of classic and new media formats. > show

Meet Neon Golden

Neon Golden

Enhanced Video Graphics Array

The artists from Neon Golden focus on live performance, immersive a/v content and set design for big stages. > show